Sunday, December 21, 2008

AFS intercultural program

the program I joined

Well, I'd like to share some informations about the program I joined.

This program is called AFS program. Hosted by the non-profit organization called AFS -American Field Service-

AFS is an international, voluntary, non-governmental, non-profit organization that provides intercultural learning opportunities to help people develop the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to create a more just and peaceful world.

Kegiatan AFS di indonesia dimulai oleh Kak Wartomo Dwijoyuwono, yang pada tahun 1956 bersama kak Muhammad Diponegoro dan kak Ibrahim Kadir dikirim ke Nebraska, Amerika Serikat untuk mengikuti Youth Specialist Program selama empat setengah bulan, atas undangan pemerintah Amerika Serikat. Kak Wartomo berjumpa dengan sejumlah pelajar dari berbagai negara di Eropa, yang tengah mengikuti program AFS, dan beliau memprakarsai turut sertanya Indonesia dalam program tersebut.
Bermulanya dari hanya mengirim tujuh pelajar (diantaranya almarhum Z.A Maulani dari Banjarmasin dan Taufiq ismail dari Pekalongan) untuk mengikuti program satu tahun, kini berkembang menjadi lebih dari seratus peserta setiap tahunnya yang mengikuti program setahun maupun program jangka pendek.
Dalam perjalanannya, terjadi beberapa pergantian pengelola program AFS di Indonesia, mulai dari kak Wartomo sebagai pembawa bibitnya, kemudian Yayasan Beasiswa Internasioanal yang dipimpin oleh kak Wartomo dan Ny. Djuwari (kini dikenal sebagai Ibu Wijaya). Selanjutnya pengelolaan program ini ditangani oleh Ikatan Returni AFS (IRA), dan pada tahun 1985 didirikanlah Yayasan Bina Antarbudaya, yang mengelola program hingga saat ini.


Bina Antarbudaya as the sending organization for afs' students in in Indonesia has 11 chapters in Indonesia. They are in Jakarta, Bandung, Bogor, Karawang, Aceh, Padang,Banjarmasin, Makassar, Malang, Medan, Palembang, Samarinda, Semarang, Surabaya, and Yogyakarta

For those of u who'd like to join the selection. First u have to find the nearest chapter from ur home or school to do selection
the first selection will be writing test.
but before u do the first test, u have to fill student's application. It's a bit complicated application to be filled, but nothing's compare to final SA-later
and then u have to fulfill this application in cuty 1 week..

well. the first writing is writing the essay. the theme will be given by kakak2 volunteer on the spot
after that, the next session is pengetahuan umum.. umm ya just a reguler pengetahuan umum, it's a bit difficult, so be ready and fulfill urself with lots of news and knowledge-lol-
the last session is general english test.. it's a basic test i think. the english itself is not super difficult. It's more about logic and ur knowledge in daily english

after u follow the first test, usually the number of student who'll pass the firt selection is one fifth to the primary applicant.For example the number of student applying afs in ur chapter is 500. then the student who can get into the 2nd test is only 100..

the announcement about who pass the test is usually 1 month apart. it's a quite long time, though..

eits,, to be continued ya

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