Sunday, July 31, 2011

Summerbreak's almost over!

I hate to start a post with words like, yay finally I made a new post or such. But here I am, after months of absence, hello again my blog!

So many things happened in the last couple months. I said goodbye to high school and hello to higher school. University is exciting but I'm also reluctant at the same time. I wonder if I would miss the good ol' days in high school. Anyway, I did get what I want to be accepted in International Relations University of Indonesia, it was a huge bless. It wasn't an easy road though. I've sacrificed lay back time to rush with the time.

Passing summer, I also remember my returning time from the US. The teary eyes and the waving hands, I feel like I want to capture it in a photograph, but we passed it. I can only pictures it in my head.

So bye bye Indonesian summer!! see you next year!

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