Monday, September 6, 2010

That's So Gay

So many times I heard people saying " That's So Gay" to indicate that something is stupid, negative or girly. For a long time, I thought it was just another joke. Until one point, I realize that it is a very insulting joke.

It is very common nowaday to meet people with different sexual orientation. Let's just call them "GAY". Not that I am a gay-right activist. Not that I support what they are doing, but I just want to come up with the idea that being respectful to others is badly needed.  By relating something stupid with a certain minority group, we are simply saying that they are all stupid and foolish. Whereas, I think, we really need to separate personal issue-such as sexual orientation- with how we see them in general. It is so unfair for them to be insulted just because they are different from common people.

Again, not that I am promoting that kind of life style, I jut want to open our ears and eyes. Sometimes, we never really think how bad we hurt people with our words. A simple joke might be a fatal insult to others.We need to really rethink what some out from our mouth

1 comment:

ifa said...

damn right! setuju banget and another word "cacat"