Sunday, September 26, 2010


After coming back from exchange year abroad, I have to continue the last year of high school in order to graduate. I don't have a big problem with that. I try to enjoy the last year of high school with positive attitude and good spirit.

 What's funny is, hampir semua temen-temen seangkatan manggilnya, "Ka Siti" which is weird for me considering kita sekarang udah sekelas bareng. What I understand is, mungkin mereka rada ga enak soalnya mungkin ga sopan gitu yaah. At first, I thought yaudahlah gapapa, entar kelamaan mungkin mereka ga segen lagi dan gausah manggil pake embel-embel "Kak" lagi. But I don't know, mungkin juga malah karena dibiarkan berlarut-larut jadinya tetep manggilny pake "Kak". Rada aneh sih, it feels like there is a gap between me and them just because I'm a year older. But it never becomes a great deal for me. I am so happy to find out that it is a lot easier to make friends here in Indonesian high school than it is in American high school. Many kids here are way open to newcomer and not so clickish. Eventhough I'm not entirely sure it is true to everyone.

What's even funnier is, a lot of the teachers are teasing me too. kalo ketemu misalnya nih ya, mereka pasti bilang, "ehm ini nih yang sekolah di sini kelamaan, temen-temennya udah pada kuliah dia masih di sini aja, hahaha" hhhh daasar kocak -_-
Anyway, I try to enjoy school, and be grateful that people are accepting me the way I am today :)

oh by the way check out for cool vocab ;)

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