Monday, September 21, 2009

United Statesof Everyone

United States stands as one of the most diverse countries in the world. Various people from all over the world come to United States to pursue the American Dream. Diversity brings United States into a certain way of living in understanding. Since the official racial segregation towards the African-American was ended in 1960’s by the occurance of Civil Rights Acts, the feeling towards the African-American has gradually changed.

But still, I think this country faces a lot of issues deals with racism. President Barack Obama is the first African-American President ever since in this country(well, despite the faact that his mother is white). As he was elected, people starts judging him and his presidency. Tons of issues happen in USA recently, economic recession, increasing unemployment, war, health care and so on. Many protest and demonstration towards Obama happens in recent days. “Some of the anti-Obama demonstrators at recent rallies haven’t even bothered to disguise their racist attitudes. Posters depicted the president as witch doctor, a “lyin’ African” and worse”(from USA Today). So many people still tend to see the President based on the fact that he’s a black man.

Really, this country still has lots to do with this issue. I agree that there are a lot of things make people upset about Obama and his presidency these days. But it’s still good to know that Americans already viewed Obama election as an important race relations mile stone. Polls showed 7 out of 10 believing that race relations would get better

Well, how about religious relations?

Again President Obama earlier called Islam, “a great religion”. But I can say, his fellow Americans may not so sure about it.

According to a new Pew survey of American attitudes towards Islam, 58% acknowledge that there’s a lot of discrimination against Muslim. This number is worse than discrimination against Hispanic, and African American. The only thing that’s even worse than this is a discrimination towards lesbian and gay, with 64% American saying there’s a lot of discrimination against them(Stephen Prothero for USA Today)

Well, eventually in the end the question will not be how many percentage of racism and discrimination in this country(United States). But how many percentages of people who wants to stand up against racism and discrimination?

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