Friday, February 1, 2008


Infatiation is a set of glands calling to each other. To what u feel. it might -so called- happy, but inside ur heart there a deep nagging doubt. unanswered question.,, once u'll feel warm. and everything's so sweet. but eventually. u'r not feeling he is yours.

dat's exactly what i'm feelin to him.

crazy .
really .

i'm tired of waiting.
i can't take this any longer.(probably can)

Can infatuation turn to love?

Infatuation in some rare cases does blossom into true and lasting love.

Can infatuation turn to love? Often the result of a passing fancy or a physical attraction that does not last, infatuation in some rare cases does blossom into true and lasting love.

Most people, regardless of their age, are well acquainted with Cupid - the God of love in Roman mythology. The ancient Romans depicted Cupid as a winged infant carrying a bow and a quiver full of arrows. Indeed, Cupid was the muse of many artistes. Roman poet Ovid sung highly of Cupid in many of his poems, especially in the Amores and the Art of Love. Cupid is one of the most famous mythical character, figuring prominently in poetry, literature and art.

Contrast Cupid with the inconspicuous Ate - the Goddess of infatuation, obsession and seemingly irrational impulses. Famous for luring people into impulsive indiscretions. Ate was such a menace, that her father Zeus exiled her from Olympus. Thereafter she wandered the Earth, causing much mischief and misery whenever she went. If you ever had a senseless crush on a total jerk, blame it on Ate!

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